Sunday, March 23

Catch-Up, It's Not Just for Hamburgers: My Birthday

I'm playing a little blog catch-up this week, so stay tuned.

Who's that strange looking fellow snuggled up to Joe, you ask? Why, it's me, of course. We headed to Osaka (a Teppanyaki restaurant where they cook food on a griddle in front of you; similar to the chain Benihana) for dinner on my birthday. They not only sang a spirited and very odd song to me and brought out tempura-fried bananas (interesting)
, but also plopped this fine mask over my head.

Alright, I actually kind of thought the mask was cool and wanted to wear it, as you can see below:

(photos by Nikki)

James, Nikki and Kellie joined us.

1 comment:

wilddork02 said...

The restaurant looks really fun! There's a place by my house called Jen Pachi. Its a Japanese restaurance that also does the cooking on a griddle right in front of you. I think they only sing and offer free dessert for birthdays though, no crazy mask. It looks like u had a good birthday!