Friday, December 4

Caillou's bald head

This post could also easily be entitled "Things that bug parents in the wee hours of the morning when they are trying to get their kid back to sleep and are so tired they turn on the TV to try to occupy their night owl toddler," but I thought that was a little long for rss feeds.

Caillou is the little bald boy star of a PBS children's cartoon about the daily trials and tribulations, not to mention learning experiences, of a toddler. It's a pretty good show other than the fact that the boys baldness is never explained.

For the longest time I just assumed he had Alopecia or a similar disease that rendered him hairless and maybe it was a learning opportunity for kids. So I've been waiting for the Alopecia episode.


Tonight, sick of waiting I finally came across the answer: there is NO REASON he is bald. He just is. And apparently the producer's focus group said it didn't matter.

That's because their focus group was made of kids. It's the parents they are driving mad.

Now, this shouldn't be a big deal, as this blogger points out: Caillou means "bald head," and there are lots of reasons he could have lost his hair, such as giving himself a haircut. Sure, I buy that.

But then someone please tell me why they had to give his sister, mother and father ridiculous, obnoxiously luscious heads of hair? If it weren't for the stark contrast my Caillou quandary would have been dropped long ago.

Just look at his father:

Even his little sister has gobs of hair:

And why doesn't his hair ever grow back?

Caillou's world just doesn't seem fair. If he has to miss out on that hair he should at least be given the decency of a reason for his baldness.

Coincidentally, I think all the parents subject to his whiny voice deserve the same.


Amy said...

Poor kid. He looks like a cancer patient or something. Give him some hair PBS people!!

The Beaudoins said...

Sorry to intrude, I googled images of "Caillou's dad" (my friend's husband has the same luxurious locks, and she's never seen the show), and had to LOL at your post about Caillou's baldness.

I think he just has invisible hair that only kids with great imaginations can see.