Thursday, January 1

Happy New Year, Suckers!


Joe's XBox

Joe's XBox decided to red-ring today, which is the death-cry of the game-world. Strangely, it started working again about a half hour later. We're still planning on sending it in. Joe says they call the box you send it back in a "coffin."


Amy said...

So sad. Hopefully it will get fixed soon!

James said...

I suppose it would be terribly insensitive to ask to borrow your copy of Dead Space while your Xbox is fixed. So I won't :)

But seriously, my condolences. Mine is probably headed there, too.

Joseph J Walsh said...

Well, my Lazarux-Box is back playing games as if nothing ever happened.

That said, when you're ready to loan Fallout 3, I think I'm ready to loan Dead Space. I've played just a little bit of it, but I think I'm ready for some massive wasteland exploration after the Silent Hill: Homecoming madness.

James said...

Sounds like a good deal to me. I'm "done" with Fallout 3. It's so huge, I'll never go everywhere, so I just have to choose to be done.