Monday, December 18

Self Portrait; a Big Day

Today was my first day of work as a professional journalist and it was busy. I got to the office at 9 and spent the rest of the morning filling out forms and learning the specifics of the job and various company policies. Then my boss took me out to lunch. After lunch we came back, had a staff meeting and then I learned some of the ins-and-outs of their computer system.

At 3, my second adventure began as I headed to pick up Joe so we could go to the Honda dealership to try to purchase a CRV before heading to a city council meeting at 7. My new job means that our one car will no longer work. Whew, I learned that it does take some time to purchase a car. After test driving it, running our credit and trying to track down the color we want, Joe and I left, carless. I took him home and headed to the city council meeting.

Several mistakes were made on the journey. Besides misreading how far my destination was from my point of origin by 5-10 minutes, my directions also told me to turn the wrong direction on 3rd St and, of course, I didn't know this right away.

The post-it read: Left on 3rd
look for the flags

So, when I saw the flags right where I had been directed, I parked quickly and rushed inside, clutching my laptop at my side. I was first confused that a sign on the door was advertising drinks. When I got inside the chain-smocking bingo players tipped me off that I was in the wrong place. But none of them new where city council was. Finally one of the people that worked there told me to head the other direction on 3rd.

I headed down the street, encountering two more flags--in front of the post office and the VFW, before finding the flags in front of city hall.

The meeting took two hours and included an interesting insight into a dispute with the city over a development. After that I took off for home but, as I was looking for somewhere to turn around after taking a wrong turn, I noticed a huge Christmas display and decided to take a picture of it. While I was there, I snapped these self-portraits, using a street lamp as my light source:

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