Tuesday, February 20

Birthday Advenutres

We started the day with a little Connect Four at Chatterbox Pub in Highland Park:

Then headed to some non-pictured events, including:

*buying ice-skates (surprisingly difficult; we finally found them at Hockey Giant, a store next to REI off of 494)

*ice skating at Lake of Isle in Uptown. This allowed me to accomplish one of my goals for this winter –– ice skating outdoors. It was Joe's first time ice skating and he did well. We're hoping to make it back on the ice before everything thaws, but with the nearly 40 degree temps we saw today (and, believe me, I'm not complaining) that might not happen.

*a show at Brave New Workshop called Pluto, and Other Lies My Teacher Told Me. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. If you are able to go, it comes highly recommended.

The show didn't start until ten, so it was pretty late when we got out, but we still made it over to Byerly's (the fancy grocery store near our house) to buy a birthday cake. We'd found this cake a few days before, in preparation for Valentine's day. It's layers of chocolate and vanilla cake with chocolate and white chocolate frosting. It's excellent with a side of raspberries, as well.

We also picked up some candles so I could make a wish:

and, no, I won't tell you what I wished for ...

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