Saturday, February 3

The Wrestler, Part Two

A few weeks ago, Joe, his brother James, sister Kellie, my mom (who was visiting) and I got to play parent to Joe E. at a wrestling meet in Stillwater. Kellie was watching him while his parents were on vacation. Joe, James and I were there to take over parenting duties at wrestling, which was good because Kelllie got a little squeamish. I guess I don't blame her –– it's a tough sport, especially for a 5-year-old.

It was a tough match, as Joe was placed with kids that were much older and taller than he is. But he put up a good fight and was able to improve his skills.

On the ride home he fell into a pretty deep sleep. One minute, we asked if he was okay; the next, we found him like this:

Ah, to sleep like a child...

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