Monday, February 4

The Cephalopod Effect: Commode

See original Cephalopod Effect post first.

Joe and I were brushing our teeth, when he turned to say something to me, screaming "OWE!"

Brooke: "What?"
Joe: "I hit my leg on the commode."
Brooke: "The what?"
Joe: "The commode. You know, the cabinet."
Brooke: "I'm pretty sure commode means toilet."

A Wikipedia search returned this definition: "a cabinet,
with one or more doors, which served as a washstand with a washbasin and water pitcher..."

He could offer little explanation as to how he knew what commode meant, considering it is a pretty archaic word from the days before plumbing. Though we both suspect his dad, friend of old world novelty words, probably uses it.

I wasn't completely incorrect, however, as Wikipedia continues by stating that commodes "
also offered an enclosed area below for storing a chamberpot."

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