Sunday, February 3

The Cephalopod Effect

Press Play to begin.

Joe and I spent a lot of time listening to Andrew Bird's album The Mysterious Production of Eggs yesterday, particularly the song "Opposite Day," which begins with Bird's astonishment that he has "not become a cephalopod."

Neither Joe nor I could explain what a cephalopod was off hand. Nevertheless, Joe came up with this elaborate scenario for a music video for "Opposite Day" involving a factory worker who turns into an octopus.

Then, this morning, Joe created this pancake, which he says was not created purposefully ("I dripped and was trying to connect the drips to make a pancake," he said):

(I added the blueberry eyes for effect.)

Finally this evening I decided to look up what a cephalopod is and was astonished to find that an octopus is a cephalopod! And this image, which I think look astonishingly similar to Joe's pancake, was sitting right there on the Wikipedia page:

(photo by Hans Hillewaert)

This has led to the conclusion that my husband has a mind like a steel trap that is subconsciously storing information without his conscious's brain's knowledge, then regurgitating it as appropriate. I think I'll call it The Cephalopod Effect.

I also think I'm never going to bet against him when it comes to obscure facts ...

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