Saturday, February 23

Paperless Nostalgia

Joe and I have found the perfect way to satisfy my pack-rattery while maintaining order in the house. We like to call it Paperless Nostalgia.

Basically, we're going digital with all of our little paper and photo keepsakes and sending mounds of former trees to the recycling center. In honor of the occasion, here's the rest of that letter Joe received from his alma mater, you remember, the one that began "We've been thinking about you (name):"

We probably should have started this process oh, say, a year ago when we purchased this scanner/printer ... But let's just say the program didn't get installed until a few days ago.

We might be procrastinators, but soon, we'll be Paperless Procrastinators with a wonderful digital collection of our lives. And we might just have to share some of the gems that turn up during our switch-over.

Speaking of which, here's a flashback portrait of me from Joe's old wallet:


Amy said...

I like the super-cool new portrait slideshow in your blog. How did you do that?

Anonymous said...

Teehee! So cute! Oh Macalester, you keep such good track of your alumni.

And wow...that means he graduated college the same year I graduate highschool...I feel so tiny! ^_^